5 Reasons to Hire a Disability Law Group

5 Reasons to Hire a Disability Law Group

About 61 million adults in the United States live with a disability. While society is changing, you are still the best advocate for your rights.

The Americans with Disabilities Act law has made great strides in advocating for the rights of disabled individuals. Did you know that several other laws affect disabled Americans?

Talking with a disability law group can help you know what you’re entitled to and how to go about making a claim.

Know Your Rights

New laws on disability get enacted all of the time. This means that your rights as a disabled individual are also changing and evolving. What you need is a disability law firm that tracks these ongoing changes.

Skilled lawyers know that changing laws can change the lives of those who are affected. Your attorney can then assist you in advocating for your rights under the new law.

Application and Approval

No lawyer can guarantee that your disability application will get approved. However, working with a skilled lawyer can make the process go smoother. Social security disability law is notoriously complicated.

The vast majority of applications get rejected. This requires you to go through the appeals process. The main reason for rejection is an incomplete or incorrectly prepared application.

Keep the Process Moving

The legal system is notoriously lengthy. The average disability claim takes between four and six months to learn of the initial acceptance or rejection. If the claim is rejected, then it takes longer to go through the appeals process.

Your attorney can’t magically make the process lightning fast. However, they can keep the process moving along and avoid any unnecessary delays. This includes prompt response to the SSA, proactive communication with the SSA representative, and expert handling of potential problems.

Level the Playing Field

If you have to deal with insurance companies, then you are already at a disadvantage. Insurance companies have many resources that enable them to hire top lawyers and investigators. The goal is to build a solid case against your claim by showing you are capable of more than you claim.

Working with a skilled attorney can combat the insurance company’s tactics. The lawyer also has experience with the insurance company and knows what to expect. This levels the playing field and enables you to stand up to the insurance company.

Reduce Your Stress

Facing the prospect of fighting for your rights alone is a stressful one. You are dealing with your disability and all that comes with it, plus financial strain. A quality lawyer can be a source of support and guidance.

Your attorney can put you in contact with helpful resources. These can make your situation less stressful while you wait for your disability application to process.

Schedule a Consultation With a Disability Law Group

Working with a disability law group ensures you know the latest laws. They will assist you with preparing the necessary applications and documentation. This will help you secure the assistance that you are entitled to.

Check out our other legal articles for more guidance on the law and advocating for your rights.

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